Best Canned Foods To Stockpile

shopping for food

When considering what canned foods to buy, ensure you have items from the categories listed below. These are some of the best canned foods to have in your stockpile. The goal is to build a collection that provides a wide range of nutritions, rather than just to fill the stomach. Having a balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and mind, now or in the apocalypse.


tin of mackerel opened

Canned fish like tuna or salmon contains lots of protein and fatty acids like Omega-3. It can be eaten on its own or incorporated into recipes for additional nutritional punch and flavor. When getting canned fish for your food supply, look for items packed in oil as they will have a longer shelf life.

According to the USDA Nutrient Database, the top four fish varieties with the most protein & Omega-3 fatty acid contents are Yellow Tail, Tuna, Anchovy and Coho Salmon.


Canned chicken (usually as diced breast with rib meat) is pre-cooked and stored in water, which keeps it moist. Great source of protein, and doubles as a great option for sandwiches, salad, and pasta.


Although it may get a bad rap, spam is much more nutritious than many other ready-to-eat types of meat. For one thing, spam isn’t made from mechanically recovered scrap; it’s chopped pork shoulder and ham. It contains a lot of fat, sodium and protein: all bad stuff for a modern sedentary lifestyle, but are just what your body needs when you’re under stress and physically working hard.

sliced spam friedSpam is also incredibly versatile. It can be eaten straight out the container or used as a substitution for other meat in most dishes such as pastas and chilis. Alternatively you can fry or grill it, add chunks to a stew, make Spam kebabs or sliced up and used as sandwich filling.

See also  Freeze Dried Foods As An Emergency Ration


Canned fruit like apples, tomatoes, pears, and peaches are an excellent source of vitamins and will serve as a morale-boosting treat if living off your rations.



Vegetables are very popular canned items, and you should have a large selection in your stockpile. Canned potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, and corn are great. They are significant nutritional sources and add flavor to recipes.


Beans, especially baked beans, taste great and are a good source of carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. They are easy to prepare and can be added to stew and chili, or can be eaten as a savory side dish.



Yes, there is such thing as canned bread! Unless you have the resources to make bread, it will be hard to come by. Canned bread has the same nutritional value and is a significant source of fiber and carbohydrates. This is best served as a side.

canned bread

Chilli, stew, and soup

Chilli, stew, and soup are canned meals that are ready to eat in just minutes. All you need is a heat source – no additional spices, ingredients, or cookware required. Canned stews and chilli are often calorically dense, making them an excellent addition to a food supply.


Pie filling

In an emergency scenario where you live off rations, you want to have a selection of foods that will increase morale and satisfy a sweet tooth. Pie filling can be heated up and eaten as is. Although it may not be the most nutritious food, you’ll get your calorie intake up.



Condensed milk (or evaporated milk, if you don’t like the added sugar) and coconut milk are great additions to recipes and contain healthy fats, calcium, and protein.

Final Thoughts

Canned foods are an affordable addition to a prepper’s food supply. They are great for a home base stockpile but not something you want to throw in a bugout bag. An empty can may also be used as a makeshift kettle, used as a cup, or candle holder.

See also  Prepping With Canned Food

If you are starting to grow your supply, gradually begin picking up more canned goods. Consider prepping more of a marathon than a race to the finish line. Eventually, you will have a substantial and diverse supply in the event you need it!

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